Often in our lives we find ourselves in situations that are not ideal, or seasons of life that constantly change and push us out of our comfort zones. But instead of asking God to get us out, why do we not ask him to use our situation?
Why do we not expect God to use the situation for his Glory, nor realize that God put us there for a reason? Tune in today as we look for answers in the story of Esther.
Prayer is one of the most vital benefits of being a Christian. Not only is it fundamental for our walk with Christ, but it is very powerful for the sake of others. But how often do we utilize this wonderful gift?
Do we pray daily to seek communion with God, or do we settle for praying once a week and think thats enough? Tune in today to learn about the importance of prayer for others, and our walk with Christ.
When we look in Genesis 19 at the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, we find Lot's wife who looked back at cities and turned into a pillar of salt. But when it applies to us, how many of us look back? How many of us look back longingly at the past and stop looking forward to Christ? For if we stop looking to Christ even for a moment, we look back to the past and can die with it.
Often in our lives we go through change and transition. But what is the difference between the two, and what does God's Word say about handling it? Tune in to find out!
Often in our lives we fight and feel alone, at the end of a diving board standing in fear, at the edge, trusting our limited ability. But what if we were to trust God and his perfect ability, to work in us and through us, to make that leap of faith? Tune in to hear about trusting the Faithful One.
Who are you letting be an influence in your life? The world, or God? Tune in to find out what God's Word has to say about influences, and the consequences of them.
Some times if feels like our prayers go unanswered or unfinished, especially when we have prayed for a long time. But what does God's Word say about this? Tune in to find out and learn about the importance being persistent in God and in prayer.
From Pastor Jason: “Thank you everyone for your prayers and support over the years! As we head into this new season, Shari and I will keep you updated on Facebook with what the Lord is doing in our lives and in our ministry. Many blessings!”
Our nation needs a powerful Revival of God, so what does the Bible say about our role in it? Tune in to find out!
What do we believe about God our Heavenly Father? What the world says He is, or His Word? Tune in to this Father's Day message to find out!
What does God's word have to say about Pride month and the culture of today? Tune in and listen to find God's truth on the matter!
Jesus made a promise! That He would send us the Holy Spirit! The Holy Spirit empowers us to walk out this Christian walk! Blessings!
Today, we look at the Israelite's and how they grieved God.
God has a plan! Part of His plan came to pass today as Doug and Kim Jentes are now a part of the pastoral staff at The Open Door! Many blessings!
Today, Pastor Jason shares his experience at the Asbury Revival and what God is doing in his life! “One of the most incredible experiences I have had with God. There was a revealing and a releasing into the purposes and plans that God has for Shari and me.”
Lucas Binkerd brought a great word today! We know it will bless you!
Looking at belief and doubt today. Belief or doubt can directly affect your impossible becoming possible! Have a blessed day!
We celebrated Easter Sunday with 4 people being baptized! What an awesome service! Be blessed!
There are many things that want to that take us away from the faith. It is time for us to contend for the faith we have received through Jesus Christ sacrifice!